Post #1 of Sincidium Diaries
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Post #1 of Sincidium Diaries

Join us on our journey as first-time founders as we develop our MVP for AI-based academic integrity startup Sincidium.

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How a Silly Year 6 Project Changed My Life
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

How a Silly Year 6 Project Changed My Life

I'm sure my mum had several better, more pressing things to do with her time. And yet she chose to spend those hours with me, because she knew how crucial those hours would be.

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Founder’s Meditation Retreat
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Founder’s Meditation Retreat

This weekend, I found myself surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Soma Byron Bay, nestled among the company of exceptional young founders and change-makers.

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Our Next Venture, Sincidium
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Our Next Venture, Sincidium

In the virtual boardroom this morning with my nemesis-turned-friend Oliver Cucanic. We're smiling because we've just launched our next venture, Sincidium.

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The End of OncoSure, For Now
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

The End of OncoSure, For Now

After speaking to various key stakeholders and experts in the field, my co-founder and I decided to pause further work on this project while we focus on completing our research degrees.

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MedTech Actuator Origin Semi-Finals
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

MedTech Actuator Origin Semi-Finals

Yesterday night, despite a health scare, my business partner Oliver Cucanic and I prepared for war, participating in the MedTech Actuator Origin Semi-Finals for our idea OncoSure.

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Detecting Cancer Early. In the Comfort of Your Own Home.
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Detecting Cancer Early. In the Comfort of Your Own Home.

Battles with cancer are often lost because of our healthcare system’s failure to catch the enemy before it’s too late. Many people want to get tested for cancer, but many of them aren’t comfortable going to the doctor to talk about their health until symptoms present. And, by the time they do, it’s often too late.

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Machine Learning for Protein Family Classification
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Machine Learning for Protein Family Classification

Over the past several months, I have been experimenting with artificial neural networks for protein family classification.

The following paper represents the culmination of this work: The Mechanics of ANNs for Protein Family Classification

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A Poem to Humanity
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

A Poem to Humanity

To you, I pledge this short but beautiful video.

My very first attempt at confocal immunofluorescent microscopy.

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Life as a Clinician-Scientist
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Life as a Clinician-Scientist

Here are my 17 key takeaways from the 2022 Victorian Life as a Clinician-Scientist Symposium hosted by Monash University and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences:

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Welcomed into the Startmate fellowship
Benjamin Arya Benjamin Arya

Welcomed into the Startmate fellowship

I'm stoked to announce that I've joined the Startmate family as a Student Fellow for Winter 2022!

I don’t think I’ve ever come across such an inspiring, successful and dedicated group of people in my life!

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