A Poem to Humanity

Dear humanity,

Thank you for your millennia of collective toils,
For your brilliant minds and your inquisitive souls,
For your boundless curiosity amidst nature's woes,
For your centuries of innovation,
And for your unyielding belief in the intoxicating notion,
That maybe, one day, we'll figure it all out,
We'll solve the universe,
Or we'll die trying.

To you, I pledge this short but beautiful video.
My very first attempt at confocal immunofluorescent microscopy.

Of course, thank you also to some very important humans, Dr Kathryn Munro and Prof Jenny Gunnersen, my supervisors, who have been so supportive of me in my Biomedical Science Research Project.


Elected to the Committee of TEDxUniMelb


Life as a Clinician-Scientist