Founder’s Meditation Retreat

Does it get better than this?

This weekend, I found myself surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Soma Byron Bay, nestled among the company of exceptional young founders and change-makers. As the youngest founder at this meditation retreat, I felt humbled and inspired, even as I questioned my place among these luminaries.

As we delved into discussions of web3, cryptocurrency, integrative medicine, defence tech, the future of health, impact investing, whole brain simulations, large language models, and the meaning of life itself, I couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy. "Am I good enough to be here?" I thought.

But the serene environment of Soma Byron Bay beckoned me to let go of these insecurities. The leaves of the bamboo stalks that enveloped our meditation dome whispered reassurance, while my lingering doubts were consumed into the embers of our communal fires. Dada Nabhaniilananda, our monk-in-residence, elevated our spirits with his songs, drowning out the echoes of self-doubt with the intellectual energy of our shared curiosity.

In the company of these remarkable individuals, I found myself unraveling the roots of my ambitions. With each probing question, I was guided deeper into my own motivations, uncovering the driving forces that propel me to work tirelessly each day.

The truth was not so pretty. I discovered that my once-noble desire to help humans live longer, healthier lives had become entwined with superficial longings for money, fame, power, and adoration. Born from childhood traumas and a sense of inferiority, my purpose had shifted away from altruism and towards a hollow pursuit of material success. The retreat became an opportunity for self-examination and a call to realign my focus.

As we meditated on our aspirations, I vowed to cultivate a sense of purpose more profound than hedonistic desires. To be ambitious but tempered by humility, confident and yet humble, hungry and yet kind. To reduce suffering for the sake of reducing suffering, even in the absence of material gain.

In this beautiful setting, I also contemplated the reasons behind my drive to create change in the world. I realised that my impatience with outdated approaches to healthcare and my desire to target the root causes of disease are fuelled by a genuine longing to improve the human condition.

This retreat, organised by the wonderful Anindha Parthy, taught me that cultivating a life's purpose is a lifelong journey, one that requires a willingness to share your ideas, visions, and dreams with those who will challenge you to be better. It is essential to step out of our comfort zones, leave the textbooks behind, and embrace serendipity in order to evolve and grow.

"Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you."

Fab Mackojc Adam Miller Sachin Shah Gurleen Singh Reynolds Tang-Smith Josephine Tay Kevin Zhu Daniel Bar - 丹尼尔

#founders #meditation #ambition #purpose #reflection


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