The Psychology of the Inventor | TEDxUniMelb Talk

Last night was definitely a bucket list moment!

I was welcomed by TEDxUniMelb to give my very first #TEDx Talk as a student speaker.

In my talk, I spoke about #curiosity and #confidence as it applies to the psychology of the inventor.

We tend to think of 'inventors' as a species distinct from our own – geniuses – with sudden whims of inspiration – inspiration which we mere mortals can never hope to achieve.

...And yet the opposite seems to be true.

I encourage you to listen to my talk to find out what Sir Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Thomas Oxley, Elon Musk and Emmanuelle Charpentier have in common.

And if this resonates with you, reach out to me. I'd love to have a chat.


Machine Learning for Protein Family Classification


Elected to the Committee of TEDxUniMelb