Aspiring Biotech Founder.

MD Student at UniMelb.

Co-Founder at Sincidium.

Fellow at Next Chapter.

Chancellor’s Scholar.

I believe in the power of human ingenuity.

In the spirit of the inventor.

— Benjamin Arya

Passion for Lifespan Extension and Biotechnology

As an MD student and Chancellor’s Scholar at the University of Melbourne, I am deeply committed to transforming the future of aging and chronic disease. My passion lies at the nexus of medicine, biotechnology, and human lifespan extension. I am spellbound by the cutting-edge in synthetic biology and genetic engineering, which I have been pursuing in my research project alongside a personal fascination with artificial intelligence and computational protein design.

Shaping the Biotech Revolution

Driven by this passion, I firmly believe that we stand on the cusp of a breakthrough in human lifespan extension, with humanity poised to reach longevity escape velocity within the decade. This bold vision has inspired me to develop a unique blend of expertise in biological systems, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, preparing me to make a lasting impact in the biotech revolution.

The Quest for Ageless Health

My ambition is to contribute to the global effort of scientists and private enterprises in eradicating chronic illnesses, safeguarding the integrity of the genome, and reversing the aging process. To achieve these goals, I aim to establish a pioneering biotech company in the longevity space, utilizing the transformative potential of synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and computational protein design to redefine the way we approach human health and well-being.

Envisioning a Future of Proactive Monitoring

I envision a future in which every human is meticulously monitored throughout their lifetime. In this future, we will assess the accumulation of genetic mutations and epigenetic noise in each of our organ systems, allowing us to proactively reverse phenotypic drift before it cascades into debilitating disease states. By targeting genomic and epigenomic tools to these specific sites, we will wage a war against nature and epigenetic entropy—a war we must win to preserve human health into old age.

Engineering the Fountain of Youth

By combining in silico protein engineering with DNA editing tools like CRISPR-Cas9 and RNA editing tools like CRISPR-Cas13b, I believe we have the ingredients for a singular therapeutic which maintains human health well beyond what we currently consider to be “old age”. I acknowledge this is an ambitious and optimistic vision. Immense challenges and opportunities lie ahead.

Forging the Future, Together

As I continue to grow and learn in this field, I am eager to collaborate with experts in biotechnology and synthetic biology to conquer nature's greatest adversary and secure a lasting legacy of health and vitality for generations to come. With unwavering optimism and determination, I stand ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, playing my part in shaping the future of human health.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
Carl Sagan

Unravelling the Secrets of Sez6-like: A Biomedical Odyssey at The University of Melbourne.

Completed a Biomedical Science Research Project in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology at The University of Melbourne. Examined the cellular localisation, tissue distribution and three-dimensional structure of the protein Sez6-like in neurons and glia via immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy and AlphaFold 2.

“Our system discourages thoughtless AI reliance”
Oliver Cucanic

Co-founder of AI-based academic integrity software startup, Sincidium.

Sincidium is an AI-driven software startup committed to fostering academic integrity and ensuring student competency in the evolving educational landscape. We emerged as winners of the 2023 University of Melbourne StartUp Competition, securing our spot in the upcoming Melbourne Accelerator Velocity Program. Our talented engineering team, led by our technical co-founder Jim Lim, is currently fast-tracking the development of our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) using an agile approach. Although we are in the pre-seed stage and not actively seeking additional funding, we welcome preliminary discussions with venture capitalists who align with our vision.

“It is clinically known that the early detection of cancer reduces its mortality rate.”
Oliver Cucanic

Briefly co-founder of early-stage HealthTech startup, OncoSure.

OncoSure sought to offer direct-to-consumer cancer screening via an at-home, non-invasive blood collection subscription service, utilising machine learning to detect circulating cfDNA methylation signatures for over 50 cancer types. However, after reaching the MedTech Actuator Origin Semi-Finals in October 2022 and refining our business plan, my co-founder and I paused the project to focus on our research degrees.

“An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true.”
Vinod Khosla

Nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs at NextGen Ventures

As a startup mentor at NextGen Ventures, Australia's first student-led venture capital fund, I am committed to empowering young founders by validating their ideas and connecting them to early-stage, non-dilutive funding. Our mission is to support the growth of every student-founded unicorn in Australia and help future VC partners make their first investments.

“Benjamin demonstrates a rare combination of talents in biological systems, medical research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He is an exceptional collaborator, an innovative thinker, and a true trailblazer in his field.”

Oliver Cucanic

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

Worked as Chief Product Officer of EduTech startup, KIS Academics

Now trusted by students and parents all over Australia. Initially hired as a tutor, I quickly rose through the ranks, becoming entrusted to lead their expansion into the Queensland market, and later coming on board the executive team to lead product development, hiring and marketing flows.

"The power of an idea lies in its ability to travel, inspire, and evolve."
— Sir Ken Robinson

Curating Unforgettable Experiences at TEDxUniMelb

At TEDxUniMelb, I was the chief curator of our most ambitious conference yet: the 2023 EDGE Conference. Our roster of distinguished speakers featured a diverse range of experts, including the Chief Scientific Officer of Vow (The Mammoth Meatball Company), the Head of Neurosurgery at Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Finance Manager at Airwallex, Australia's youngest venture capitalist, an AI-based astronomer, a classical Indian dancer and a paraplegic heart-centred doctor.

“It's in your personal, selfish best interest that every human on planet earth is well off.”
Steve Taylor

I believe there is a selfish argument for making the world a better place.

As a firm advocate for service and community-mindedness, I have devoted my time to various causes, including the 40 Hour Famine, Teddy Bear Hospital, and Amnesty International. Through these experiences, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of giving back and fostering connections.

Want to hear why I do it?

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
— Buddha

Everything in moderation. Especially moderation.

In my off-time, I enjoy meditating, weightlifting, mountaineering, playing football and tennis, relaxing in onsens, dreaming about technology and spending time with friends in deep conversation.

Looking to the future.

The field of human lifespan extension is burgeoning and I believe that humanity will reach longevity escape velocity within the decade.

I aspire to join the collective effort by scientists and private enterprises around the world to cure chronic illnesses, protect the integrity of the genome and reverse the disease that is ageing.


  • Benjamin is well-versed in fundamental biology, neuroscience, anatomy, physiology, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, biotechnology, public health and emerging technologies.

  • Having undertaken a Biomedical Science Research Project in the Gunnersen Laboratory at the University of Melbourne, Benjamin is familiar with conducting fundamental scientific research, writing literature reviews and delivering oral presentations. He also has experience in immunofluorescent microscopy.

  • Having taken elective computing subjects throughout his degree, Benjamin is comfortable in Python, R and C programming languages within a repertoire of contexts.

  • With experience in several projects involving data processing, analysis and machine learning (including energy demand prediction, protein family classification and in silico sequence generation), Benjamin is well-versed in what will soon prove to be the most consequential technology of the current century.

  • Benjamin has always been comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. He recently gave a TEDx Talk at the University of Melbourne on “The Psychology of the Inventor”. Benjamin also has extensive experience in debating, public speaking, pitching to investors, facilitating fund-raising events and running company-wide meetings.

  • Benjamin has been heavily involved in the startup scene, including the UniMelb Startup Competition, Startmate Student Fellowship, MedTech Actuator Origin and Melbourne Bioinnovation Student Initiative. Currently, he is serving as Co-Founder of the early-stage MedTech startup, OncoSure, alongside Oliver Cucanic from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. OncoSure is working to develop and commercialise convenient cancer screening in the comfort of a patient’s own home.

  • Benjamin’s first foray into entrepreneurship after high school lead him to a C-level leadership position at a major EdTech company based in Melbourne, KIS Academics. In this role, he learnt to manage a team, recruit the crème de la crème of tutoring talent and organise the development of a suite of online courses for the Queensland market. He also developed skills in sales funnels, email flows, influencer marketing, website design, inter-disciplinary collaboration, talent acquisition, salary negotiations and onboarding.

  • Due to his active involvement in the MedTech field as co-founder of OncoSure, Benjamin is currently delving into an area in which he is truly not an expert. However, through the MedTech Actuator, Startmate Accelerator and Melbourne Accelerator Program, Benjamin hopes to gain a level of insight that can only be achieved by immersing oneself in the field and learning from industry experts. His membership in the Melbourne Bioinnovation Student Initiative is another avenue through which he hopes to connect and collaborate with like-minded students and experienced experts.


University of Melbourne — Biomedicine / Doctor of Medicine (Chancellor’s Scholars Program), 2020-2026

As an MD student at the University of Melbourne, I am committed to easing the burden of aging and chronic disease. My passion lies at the intersection of medicine, biotechnology, and human lifespan extension. To further my knowledge and impact, I have been actively participating in research projects encompassing synthetic biology, genetic engineering, machine learning, and computational protein design, demonstrating my dedication to staying on top of the biotech revolution.

Extracurriculars: TEDxUniMelb Curator, NextGen Ventures Startup Mentor, UniMelb Startup Competition, Vogue Codes Future Innovators, CommBank SmallBiz Pitchfest, Melbourne Accelerator Velocity Program, Melbourne InnovatEd Program, Teddy Bear Hospital, UniMelb Medical Students’ Society, Australian Medical Students’ Society

Stanford University — Machine Learning Specialisation, 2022-2023

Stanford's Machine Learning Specialization provided me with a strong foundation in modern machine learning concepts. I gained expertise in supervised learning techniques, such as linear regression and neural networks, as well as unsupervised learning methods like clustering and dimensionality reduction. Additionally, I learned best practices for AI and machine learning innovation, including model evaluation, tuning, and adopting data-centric approaches to enhance performance.

Johns Hopkins University — Cancer Biology Specialisation Specialisation, 2022-2023

The Cancer Biology Specialisation at Johns Hopkins University equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of cancer development, progression, and treatment. My coursework covered molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry, alongside specialised topics such as tumour microenvironment, metastasis, oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes, and cancer signalling pathways.

Department of Anatomy and Physiology at University of Melbourne — Biomedical Science Research Project, 2022

Undertook a Biomedical Science Research Project under the supervision of Dr Kathryn Munro and Prof Jenny Gunnersen examining the cellular localisation, tissue distribution and three-dimensional structure of the central nervous system protein Sez6-like via immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy and AlphaFold 2.

Melbourne University Health Initiative — Global Health Mentoring Program, 2022-2022

Collaborating with Dr Ayenachew Bezawork-Geleta on a series on case studies about metabolic syndrome, insulin sensitivity, obesity and effects on tumor growth.

Yale University — Introduction to Principled Negotiation, Dec 2021-Feb 2022

Developed a framework for analyzing and shaping negotiations while building the skills to make principled arguments that persuade others. Left the course better able to predict, interpret, and shape the behavior of opponents in competitive situations.

Brisbane Boys’ College — Queensland Certificate of Education (ATAR 99.95), 2012-2019

At Brisbane Boys' College, I thrived academically, graduating in the top 0.05% of Australian high school students and earning various accolades, including Dux, Academic Excellence and BBC Scholar. I also developed my leadership and communication skills through public speaking, peer mentoring and Amnesty International. ATAR 99.95, SAT Chemistry 800/800, SAT Physics 800/800, SAT 1530/1600.

Scholarship offers from UCLA College of Letters and Science, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney and Griffith University.

Extracurriculars: Football, Amnesty International, Public Speaking

“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.

But we can understand the Universe.

That makes us something very special.”

— Stephen Hawking